Sunday, June 5, 2011

Weight Loss & Measurements Update

I weighed this morning.  I lost 1.8 pounds this week!  I did really well this week, so I'm happy with that.  :)

Total weight lost is now 29.2 lbs.

I also measured and lost 5.75 inches this month!!!  I could not be more happy with those results, as last month I only lost 0.25 inches in an entire month.  This makes 27.75 total inches lost.  :)))

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sun is shining, weather is sweet....

Me with Lego Woody at Lego-Land in the Mall of America (Minneapolis)

School is out for the summer!!!  Woooooo!!!!!!!  I guess it's a good thing that I'm really looking forward to next year must mean I truly enjoy my job :).  Lots of changes are coming (for the better) for both teachers and students next year.  I'm excited to be a part of it all.  :)  

This summer should be interesting.  This is the first summer that I can recall where I've been on a diet.  I always go off of my diet during the summer simply because it's so hard.  When I have nothing to do, I eat.  I then gain back everything I lost throughout the year and then some.  So....I'm trying to make a lifestyle change.  I wish I could say, "When I have nothing to do, I exercise." or "When I have nothing to do, I read."  Anything but eat!  That is my goal this summer:  to do anything but eat when I'm bored.  Anything!

Regarding plans for summer, all three of us (Ricky, Russell, and I) all are going to church camp in just a few days!  I'm so happy that Ricky gets to go with us.  Bogg Springs is one of the most special places on Earth to me, and I love to share the experience with my man.  ;)  He rarely gets to go, so this is certainly a blessing.

Russell and I at the Rodeo Parade on Memorial Day
We've also got plans to go to Nashville, TN.  Other than that, all I've got is a few workshops.  NEXT year, we should have lots of big this year, I'm going to enjoy the peacefulness.  Oh, wait!  Russell has one request for summer vacation--go to the zoo!  We will be visiting the Tulsa Zoo very soon!  We went last year and it was SO.  HOT.  This year, we're going to be smart and watch the weather before we go.  We need a cool, shady day for that.

How am I spending my first day of summer vacation?  I woke up at 5:30 after having a crazy nightmare.  It involved all of my immediately family being strapped into a torture chamber (I won't go into the details) and my poor Russell almost dying.  After waking from that, I couldn't sleep.  I looked at my phone to check the time and realized I had some e-mails from myself.  I then realized I had been hacked.  After looking into the matter and getting an e-mail from Ricky saying, "What are you trying to sell me?!" I realized it went to everyone in my address book.  Later on in the day, I would find out that it was a Viagra ad...really?  Wow.  It went to Ricky's grandma AND the assistant principal at my school, to name a few! 

Russell and I started cleaning out the bookshelf in our living room this morning, as well.  You would not believe the stuff I found in that thing!  Along with a million other papers and books, we had 15 bibles!  These aren't the bibles that we actually use...these are 15 bibles that we have EXTRA.  Anyone know someone that wants a bible?  If so, let me know!  A few of those I would like to keep due to sentimental value, but for the most part, they are extras that have been given to us over the years.  Also, two of them already have other owners...I'm not sure how we ended up with them! 

Today is the last day in this week's "phase" of my diet.  I weigh in tomorrow!  I'm hoping for a loss.  I've done really good these past two weeks, but my body appears to be slowing down in the weight loss.  I'm going to start back up with treadmill walking on Monday.  That should speed things up again.  :)