I guess I'm doing better at this blogging thing than I have in the past, but I still feel like I'm not writing as much as I could. It's the Fourth of July weekend! I'm thinking that Russell and I will go to the Fort Smith fireworks show on the river Monday night. I really want to take him to see some fireworks, but I don't want to go by myself! Ricky will be at work. Maybe we will see someone that we know there.

Ricky's grandparents came down a few days ago to bring us some new (to us) furniture. They brought a couch, recliner, twin bed, and dining table/chairs. I absolutely LOVE the table. It's beautiful! I've got pictures of it all on FB, but they aren't saved to my computer. Russell loves his "really big boy bed". He will be able to sleep in that thing for years. And of course Ricky loves his new recliner. I actually took a nap on the couch yesterday...something that I could have never done on our old loveseat!
Ricky's OTHER grandparents are down from Georgia this week. They came over last night and took us out to El Chico for dinner. It was really good to catch up with them! They are coming over tonight as well, once Ricky wakes up. Oh....our neighbor ran over our mailbox yesterday. I thought for sure that when they drove off without coming to tell us or apologize that they were going to buy a new post for it. Nope! It's been almost 24 hours and they haven't said a word. It's kind of frustrating. If you know Ricky and I, you know we would simply say, "Accidents happen. No problem." and really mean it! But the fact that I watched them knock it over and they haven't apologized or anything disappoints me. We aren't that scary! LOL. Ok, enough of the rant.
The pictures in this entry are from our week at Bogg Springs. You have no idea how thankful I am that my husband got to go with us! I feel like not only did we all 3 grow closer to God that week individually, but it definitely brought Ricky and I closer together as a couple. It's so true that it is most important to keep God first in your relationship. I fell more in love with him watching him praise God. ♥
Plans for today? Russell and I are going to see where the road takes us. I'm guessing somewhere air-conditioned! :)