...but I've got so much to be thankful for, so I better write now!
I haven't exactly kept it a secret that we were going to start trying for baby #2 about 7 months ago. Obviously, we've had little luck! Here's the story of what's been going on in our life lately. I feel like I need to share. :)
We found out the day after Christmas that we were FINALLY pregnant.
About a week after finding out, I started feeling awful and having extreme cramps on one side of my body only. I was freaked out, but remembered having pretty strong cramps with Russell too. As time went on though, I started to wonder if something was wrong because the pain started to be all I could focus on.
I went back to school Jan 3, a Thursday. I could barely make it to my classroom that morning and when I finally got there, I HAD to turn right around and go back to the principal's office. I was going to tell him I had to go to the hospital NOW. Well, he wasn't in his office and I met 20 people (felt that way) in the hallway wanting to talk about my Christmas break on the way back to my room. All I could think was "I'm dying," so if you were one I talked to that day, I apologize for the rudeness! :)
I made it through the rest of the day by the grace of God. When the kids came in, my pain eased. I was able to get through Day 1 with my new students easily as long as there were kids in the room. When I had my planning period and focus team meeting, I was in so much pain! But again, once the kids got back, I was ok. As soon as school was over, I called the doc. They said a nurse would call me shortly but I didn't have time. I had to get there now. So I got in the car and started driving to the doctor or hospital, whoever would let me in first. On the way, I got a call from the nurse at my doc's office saying to get there immediately for an emergency ultrasound. So...that's where I headed.
I got to the doctor and saw a HUGE room of at least 40 people sitting in the waiting room. I was almost in tears thinking they weren't going to let me in. But surprisingly, I was the first person they let go back. The ultrasound tech was wonderful. She didn't really tell me what she saw at that point but I was able to see on the screen. Every time she got to where the pain was, there was a big empty sac. I knew in my heart that was it. When the doctor explained everything, he said that there was an empty sac (just as suspected--and thank God--I could not have handled seeing a tiny healthy baby growing in there) growing in my right Fallopian tube. Apparently there just wasn't enough room for anything to develop in the tiny tube, so it was just a sac. He discussed my options with me and for my situation, it sounded like surgery was the best choice.
He scheduled me for emergency surgery the next morning. The surgery went really well. I was terrified because I had never had any surgery that I could remember (I did have my tonsils taken out when I was little but remember nothing about it). But really...it was a relief and the doctor was amazing. The surgery actually felt better than the ectopic did...it just didn't give any relief from the pain. Ricky was then put in charge of me for the next few days. :) My parents picked up Russell the day of the surgery while I was at home recovering. It turned out that all the family down there ended up taking care of him longer than expected--4 nights total, I believe! We are sooooo thankful for our family! I missed Russell like crazy though. The house was so quiet and I just wanted to hug my baby.
The day after my surgery, Ricky rented The Campaign. We didn't make it through 30 seconds before I started giggling and almost DIED from the pain. This got Ricky laughing and then I started crying because it hurt so bad to laugh...so then I had to get up and leave the room to stop the whole repetitive laugh/cry/laugh/cry thing. Of course, he had to help me out of the chair...the whole time laughing. It was awful. We finally calmed down and talked about how we'd look back on that one day and laugh at the memory. :)
Our vows have truly been tested this past few weeks..."for better or worse, in sickness and in health.." He has been here through it all right by my side, possibly more "there" than he already was. He said he would wake up in the middle of the night wondering if I'm ok or if I had fallen off of the bed. Ha! It's so sweet, and makes me love him even more knowing that he didn't HAVE to help me or comfort me at all...but he chose to. :)
Russell has been amazing since he got home. It hurt so bad to laugh out loud, but I couldn't quite help it with him here. He made me a sweet card while he was gone and brought home a balloon and flowers for me. He was very concerned about my slowness, but didn't want to make me try to hurry. He told me the other day "You know who else is slow like you? Sheba. She's an old grandma." I couldn't help but giggle. Then one night he read me an entire book (The First Christmas) perfectly...nothing funny about that, right? But toward the end, where the wise men bring gifts (the book called them treasures) to Jesus, he looked up with this mischievous face and said in perfect Hobbit-movie tone, "My preciouses...my preciouses..." I about died from the pain of laughing so hard. It was great. Ricky seemed so proud when I told him that story.....lol.
So fast forward to today. I am feeling wonderful, physically. Emotionally, I am doing wonderful as well--most of the time. Little things set off my emotions, but I'm sure that will heal with time. Yesterday at church was great and just what I needed. Romans 8:28 - "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." I already knew this but the amazing thing was that I had asked God to speak directly to me that morning, and I feel like this was meant for me. That's exactly what I needed. I have no doubt that God will send us baby #2 when the time is right...so until then I'm going to kick back and enjoy life with my family that's already here. We are so blessed! :)
Phases of the Moons
Monday, January 21, 2013
Monday, June 4, 2012
Big 7-0!
This entry is a bit indulgent...so if you don't want to read about me talking/bragging about myself, leave now! I will NOT be offended. It's simply for my own recording/keepsake purposes. :) You have been warned.... ;P
Big news: I hit -70 pounds yesterday! I am now just 8 pounds from my goal weight, which is 5 pounds below the weight I was at when I found out I was pregnant with Russell.
Today was my measuring day and I lost 4 inches this month which brings me to a total loss of 62 inches! Like I always say, the inches part really shows me what I've done. Honestly, I still feel like I LOOK like I did 70 pounds ago. Maybe because I'm still wearing a lot of the same clothes I wore then? Yes, they are baggy, but they still fit...and I'm cheap. I will not buy a new wardrobe until I reach my goal! But the actual goal, if you remember, is that I will be buying a maternity wardrobe soon. Yes, it's almost time! :))) In my eyes, of course. Who knows what God has in store?
The pictures below are from my trip to Seattle with our school focus team. It's a beautiful city!
Russell graduated from preschool a few weeks ago for the second time. The sad part? The poor kid still has another year in preschool before he's old enough for kindergarten! He enjoys preschool though, and he has a great teacher. So I guess we will keep him right where he is. He's definitely learning still learning something new every day--both academically and spiritually! Last night, there was a big storm. I told him when he woke up this morning that he slept right through it and that I was proud of him. His response? "Well, I said my prayers last night and asked God to help me not be scared so I could sleep. And he made me not scared!!" He was so amazed. I love hearing him say things like that. :)
Summer vacation. I'm diggin' it! I've got lots of work to do though. We are transitioning to Office 2010 next year so I've got some tweaking and updating to do on all lessons and activities. It's a big task, but necessary. Other than that and a few workshops, I've really got nothing going on. We went on the cruise during Spring Break, so this summer we don't plan on doing anything big. OH--BIG NEWS! Ricky is going to DAY SHIFT!!!! He found out about 2 weeks ago and will not be moving to days for at least another week--exact date has not been set yet. I was very hesitant to believe him when he told me. Not him necessarily, but Walmart. Walmart always gets my hopes up then crushes my dreams. :/ BUT. Ricky says it's guaranteed. He's already had the interview for it and was told he had the job BEFORE he did the interview. I can't wait!!!! It's been 3 1/2 years!!! Our little family will be back together every night AND day very soon.
And finally--Teacher of the Year. I hate bragging on myself as a teacher, so I won't. :D I did get this amazing award and feel super blessed, but I know I've got a LONG way to go before I'm a true Teacher of the Year. Either way, the words from my current and former students made me cry. "Did you hear me yelling for you?" and "You deserved it, good job Mrs. Moon." These words from students I never thought I made a connection with no matter how hard I tried. Then after an incident with my 7th period class that day, they all proclaimed, "And that's why you got teacher of the year!" Made my day. :)
Big news: I hit -70 pounds yesterday! I am now just 8 pounds from my goal weight, which is 5 pounds below the weight I was at when I found out I was pregnant with Russell.
Today was my measuring day and I lost 4 inches this month which brings me to a total loss of 62 inches! Like I always say, the inches part really shows me what I've done. Honestly, I still feel like I LOOK like I did 70 pounds ago. Maybe because I'm still wearing a lot of the same clothes I wore then? Yes, they are baggy, but they still fit...and I'm cheap. I will not buy a new wardrobe until I reach my goal! But the actual goal, if you remember, is that I will be buying a maternity wardrobe soon. Yes, it's almost time! :))) In my eyes, of course. Who knows what God has in store?
The pictures below are from my trip to Seattle with our school focus team. It's a beautiful city!
At the top of the Space Needle in Seattle, WA |
Space Needle |
Mt. Rainier in Washington---BEAUTIFUL!!! |
Summer vacation. I'm diggin' it! I've got lots of work to do though. We are transitioning to Office 2010 next year so I've got some tweaking and updating to do on all lessons and activities. It's a big task, but necessary. Other than that and a few workshops, I've really got nothing going on. We went on the cruise during Spring Break, so this summer we don't plan on doing anything big. OH--BIG NEWS! Ricky is going to DAY SHIFT!!!! He found out about 2 weeks ago and will not be moving to days for at least another week--exact date has not been set yet. I was very hesitant to believe him when he told me. Not him necessarily, but Walmart. Walmart always gets my hopes up then crushes my dreams. :/ BUT. Ricky says it's guaranteed. He's already had the interview for it and was told he had the job BEFORE he did the interview. I can't wait!!!! It's been 3 1/2 years!!! Our little family will be back together every night AND day very soon.
And finally--Teacher of the Year. I hate bragging on myself as a teacher, so I won't. :D I did get this amazing award and feel super blessed, but I know I've got a LONG way to go before I'm a true Teacher of the Year. Either way, the words from my current and former students made me cry. "Did you hear me yelling for you?" and "You deserved it, good job Mrs. Moon." These words from students I never thought I made a connection with no matter how hard I tried. Then after an incident with my 7th period class that day, they all proclaimed, "And that's why you got teacher of the year!" Made my day. :)
Friday, April 6, 2012
It's a Good Friday for Good Friday.
What a pretty day! Today was Russell's Easter party at preschool and I had the day off. Ricky worked 2 hours over this morning, which means...he's now asleep and this mommy got a day all to herself! What did I do, you ask? I went to watch The Hunger Games for the second time. :) I know it doesn't sound like it, but before that, I was very productive. I did 4 loads of laundry, I've gone through Russell's winter clothes and placed those that no longer fit him in "storage". Ha! Who am I kidding...we have no more room for storage! I seriously feel like I'm starting to live in a Hoarders episode. This summer, we're getting a storage building, but there's no time or money for that now. :) And once we have another kid, if it's a girl, I'm getting rid of it ALL, with the exception of a few special baby outfits.
We ended up going on our cruise during Spring Break rather than waiting for summer. I think it may have been the best vacation EVER, and the timing was perfect. I came back to school fully refreshed! We went to Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico and Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico. It was our 4th time to Cozumel, but 1st to Progreso. Progreso was way different and I loved it! It was much less commercialized than Cozumel. My favorite things about the cruise were 1) the beautiful Cozumel water and 2) our balcony. Wish I was still there.... ;)
In my last entry, I mentioned, "We have to catch a break sometime, right?" Well....on the cruise, we were seated in the dining room with three other couples. One of the couples, around our age, just so happened to both work at the Home Office for Walmart!!! How amazing is that? We all really hit it off and became cruise buddies. In the end, the husband told us his job is coming open due to his promotion, and that he would be happy to turn Ricky's resume over to his boss. Ricky and him exchanged contact info and he actually emailed Ricky when he got back to Arkansas asking for his resume. So...obviously, Ricky sent it in ASAP! No clue what will happen with all of that, but the fact that it happened gave us assurance that we are where God wants us. It's so easy to forget that sometimes!
I gained 5 pounds on the cruise (ate EVERYTHING in sight), but lost 6.4 pounds the next week. I'm now down 65 pounds and 57 inches. Holy moly! I'm only 12ish pounds from my goal weight. I've GOT THIS!!!
Easter is Sunday and Ricky found out this morning that he's off tomorrow (Saturday) and Sunday. YAY! He gets to go to sunrise service with us. Sunrise Service with Mt. Pleasant MBC in Langley, AR is something everyone on Earth should get to experience. It's such a blessing. Can't wait!
We ended up going on our cruise during Spring Break rather than waiting for summer. I think it may have been the best vacation EVER, and the timing was perfect. I came back to school fully refreshed! We went to Progreso, Yucatan, Mexico and Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico. It was our 4th time to Cozumel, but 1st to Progreso. Progreso was way different and I loved it! It was much less commercialized than Cozumel. My favorite things about the cruise were 1) the beautiful Cozumel water and 2) our balcony. Wish I was still there.... ;)
Balcony... :) |
Progreso Beach |
Progreso Bus Tour |
Progreso--Dzibilchaltun Ruins |
he he he |
A little piece of Heaven |
Could have laid there forever... |
Ahhhh. This was taken at Three Amigos Restaurant. Great food, PERFECT view! |
Ricky fell asleep on the beach in Cozumel |
I almost fell asleep, too! |
The Lobby of the Carnival Triumph |
Formal Night |
I gained 5 pounds on the cruise (ate EVERYTHING in sight), but lost 6.4 pounds the next week. I'm now down 65 pounds and 57 inches. Holy moly! I'm only 12ish pounds from my goal weight. I've GOT THIS!!!
Easter is Sunday and Ricky found out this morning that he's off tomorrow (Saturday) and Sunday. YAY! He gets to go to sunrise service with us. Sunrise Service with Mt. Pleasant MBC in Langley, AR is something everyone on Earth should get to experience. It's such a blessing. Can't wait!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Still Going Strong
It's been a while! As I type this, I'm still in the bed, and that makes me a happy mommy. :) Russell is watching a movie (Home Alone 2--I'm so proud!) and Ricky is still at work. On his job front, he is now on his THIRD year of working overnights. That is the majority of Russell's life! It was supposed to be "temporary". We gotta catch a break sometime, right? I know it will happen when the time is right, but for ME, the time has been right for a few years! We're definitely being forced to practice patience during this time.
I'm still going strong on Weight Watchers and to date have lost about 52 pounds and have lost 47 INCHES. The inches part always validates me more than the pounds. I still have about 25-30 pounds I'd like to lose before we try to get prego. I can do it! Several coworkers have joined WW recently and I think that will hold me more accountable. I hear them talk about exercising and know that I'm not doing all I could to get to where I want to be. Here are a few before/after pics:
The new semester at school just started and it appears that I've got a good group to work with! :) The first three days are so exhausting though because I have to get my bluff in with them and "put the fear in them" so to speak. If only they knew I was not a crazy mean lady...haha! But one thing that really inspired me as a teacher yesterday was with my Computer Technology students. The students I've had in the past could answer every review question thrown at them and their typing technique was impeccable. I was so proud! And I let them know that I noticed...you could just see their face light up like, "Wow, I really did learn something in here." That was the validation I needed to keep being a crazy nagging "mean" lady and force my new keyboarding students to keep their keyboard covers down and type each key with the CORRECT finger! So evil...I know. ;)
I'm still going strong on Weight Watchers and to date have lost about 52 pounds and have lost 47 INCHES. The inches part always validates me more than the pounds. I still have about 25-30 pounds I'd like to lose before we try to get prego. I can do it! Several coworkers have joined WW recently and I think that will hold me more accountable. I hear them talk about exercising and know that I'm not doing all I could to get to where I want to be. Here are a few before/after pics:
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Can't get this to rotate for some reason, but this was just recently. |
February 2011 - A couple days after starting Weight Watchers - WOW - That's embarrassing! |
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Can you tell a difference? I can! 50 pounds later... And I just had to take a pic of my old PJ pants--haven't been able to fit into them in years!!! :) |
The new semester at school just started and it appears that I've got a good group to work with! :) The first three days are so exhausting though because I have to get my bluff in with them and "put the fear in them" so to speak. If only they knew I was not a crazy mean lady...haha! But one thing that really inspired me as a teacher yesterday was with my Computer Technology students. The students I've had in the past could answer every review question thrown at them and their typing technique was impeccable. I was so proud! And I let them know that I noticed...you could just see their face light up like, "Wow, I really did learn something in here." That was the validation I needed to keep being a crazy nagging "mean" lady and force my new keyboarding students to keep their keyboard covers down and type each key with the CORRECT finger! So evil...I know. ;)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
I Love a Routine!
School is back in session and I am back to having a routine. This makes me one happy lady! I guess I'm just one of those people that has to have their routine. Summer is difficult for me--especially on my diet because there is no consistency. The good news is that I actually lost about 2 pounds over the summer vacation. Since I've started teaching, I've ALWAYS gained dramatically during the summer. This year, I lost...showing me that I can do it and that it's my own fault if I choose not to! :)
School started off rocky with no computers up until the 2nd or 3rd day of school in my "computer-based" classroom. Even once we got them, they didn't work properly. I was a nervous wreck! But, as usual, it all turned out fine in the end. My kids are now typing away and everything is going smoothly. :) KJH experienced quite a growth this year compared to last year and it shows. My classroom has 24 computers. I've never (that I can remember) had more than 1 "full" class in a semester, meaning there are almost always extra seats/computers in the event that a computer is down. This year, I'm actually overflowing in some classes, and if they aren't overflowed, they are right at full! There are just so.many.kids! But I do have to admit that I like having a full class. It seems like things actually run more smoothly when the room is full. Never thought I would say that! ;)
Since it's been SO long since I've written, I need to share a picture or two of the highlight of Russell's summer. I heard about the Van Buren train ride from a friend and decided to take Russell one day while Ricky was sleeping. Russell absolutely LOVED it! Him and I are total opposites when it comes to the fear of heights....

Fun times! We also went to the Tulsa Zoo...
Well, believe it or not, Ricky and I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary next month. Everyone says the 7th year is the "hardest", but I'm not so sure. I'm feeling closer to him than I ever have. Maybe "The 7 Year Itch" happens after your 7th year together as a couple? If so, that would have been four years ago for us...which would make more sense! That was a hard time. Right now though, I just see things getting better and better. I love that boy. :) I wish I had some pictures of us to post, but the fact is I don't have any new ones. I guess I could get Russ to take some pictures of us...he would thoroughly enjoy that!
Russell started in the 4-year-old preschool last week at GLC and I'm amazed at how much progress he's already made! He's going to have to be in there for 2 years because he's only 3 right now (will start Kindergarten late--November baby)...but they are promising that he will be reading and writing very well before he leaves there. I believe it! In just a week, he has made dramatic changes in his writing, coloring, attitude, and desire to read/spell. I am super impressed with his attempt at coloring in the lines! And he's having so much fun--"Adam" is in his class and gets to sit across from him. Their thing is Roley-Polys. They go outside and during "recess" after swinging, they hunt for Roley-Polys! Boys.
On my diet, I'm down almost 35 pounds!
Well, I better get back to babysitting...Russell just brought me a bug to look at. ICK!!!
School started off rocky with no computers up until the 2nd or 3rd day of school in my "computer-based" classroom. Even once we got them, they didn't work properly. I was a nervous wreck! But, as usual, it all turned out fine in the end. My kids are now typing away and everything is going smoothly. :) KJH experienced quite a growth this year compared to last year and it shows. My classroom has 24 computers. I've never (that I can remember) had more than 1 "full" class in a semester, meaning there are almost always extra seats/computers in the event that a computer is down. This year, I'm actually overflowing in some classes, and if they aren't overflowed, they are right at full! There are just so.many.kids! But I do have to admit that I like having a full class. It seems like things actually run more smoothly when the room is full. Never thought I would say that! ;)
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He LOVED going on the bridges! |
Since it's been SO long since I've written, I need to share a picture or two of the highlight of Russell's summer. I heard about the Van Buren train ride from a friend and decided to take Russell one day while Ricky was sleeping. Russell absolutely LOVED it! Him and I are total opposites when it comes to the fear of heights....

Fun times! We also went to the Tulsa Zoo...
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Love this! |
Well, believe it or not, Ricky and I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary next month. Everyone says the 7th year is the "hardest", but I'm not so sure. I'm feeling closer to him than I ever have. Maybe "The 7 Year Itch" happens after your 7th year together as a couple? If so, that would have been four years ago for us...which would make more sense! That was a hard time. Right now though, I just see things getting better and better. I love that boy. :) I wish I had some pictures of us to post, but the fact is I don't have any new ones. I guess I could get Russ to take some pictures of us...he would thoroughly enjoy that!
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First day of 4 year old preschool - 2011 |
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August 2011 |
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August 2010 - a year ago! |
Russell started in the 4-year-old preschool last week at GLC and I'm amazed at how much progress he's already made! He's going to have to be in there for 2 years because he's only 3 right now (will start Kindergarten late--November baby)...but they are promising that he will be reading and writing very well before he leaves there. I believe it! In just a week, he has made dramatic changes in his writing, coloring, attitude, and desire to read/spell. I am super impressed with his attempt at coloring in the lines! And he's having so much fun--"Adam" is in his class and gets to sit across from him. Their thing is Roley-Polys. They go outside and during "recess" after swinging, they hunt for Roley-Polys! Boys.
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Coloring NOW - Aug 2011 |
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Coloring - Dec 2010 |
On my diet, I'm down almost 35 pounds!
Well, I better get back to babysitting...Russell just brought me a bug to look at. ICK!!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Proud to be an American

I guess I'm doing better at this blogging thing than I have in the past, but I still feel like I'm not writing as much as I could. It's the Fourth of July weekend! I'm thinking that Russell and I will go to the Fort Smith fireworks show on the river Monday night. I really want to take him to see some fireworks, but I don't want to go by myself! Ricky will be at work. Maybe we will see someone that we know there.

Ricky's grandparents came down a few days ago to bring us some new (to us) furniture. They brought a couch, recliner, twin bed, and dining table/chairs. I absolutely LOVE the table. It's beautiful! I've got pictures of it all on FB, but they aren't saved to my computer. Russell loves his "really big boy bed". He will be able to sleep in that thing for years. And of course Ricky loves his new recliner. I actually took a nap on the couch yesterday...something that I could have never done on our old loveseat!
Ricky's OTHER grandparents are down from Georgia this week. They came over last night and took us out to El Chico for dinner. It was really good to catch up with them! They are coming over tonight as well, once Ricky wakes up. Oh....our neighbor ran over our mailbox yesterday. I thought for sure that when they drove off without coming to tell us or apologize that they were going to buy a new post for it. Nope! It's been almost 24 hours and they haven't said a word. It's kind of frustrating. If you know Ricky and I, you know we would simply say, "Accidents happen. No problem." and really mean it! But the fact that I watched them knock it over and they haven't apologized or anything disappoints me. We aren't that scary! LOL. Ok, enough of the rant.
The pictures in this entry are from our week at Bogg Springs. You have no idea how thankful I am that my husband got to go with us! I feel like not only did we all 3 grow closer to God that week individually, but it definitely brought Ricky and I closer together as a couple. It's so true that it is most important to keep God first in your relationship. I fell more in love with him watching him praise God. ♥
Plans for today? Russell and I are going to see where the road takes us. I'm guessing somewhere air-conditioned! :)
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Weight Loss & Measurements Update
I weighed this morning. I lost 1.8 pounds this week! I did really well this week, so I'm happy with that. :)
Total weight lost is now 29.2 lbs.
I also measured and lost 5.75 inches this month!!! I could not be more happy with those results, as last month I only lost 0.25 inches in an entire month. This makes 27.75 total inches lost. :)))
Total weight lost is now 29.2 lbs.
I also measured and lost 5.75 inches this month!!! I could not be more happy with those results, as last month I only lost 0.25 inches in an entire month. This makes 27.75 total inches lost. :)))
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Sun is shining, weather is sweet....
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Me with Lego Woody at Lego-Land in the Mall of America (Minneapolis) |
School is out for the summer!!! Woooooo!!!!!!! I guess it's a good thing that I'm really looking forward to next year already...it must mean I truly enjoy my job :). Lots of changes are coming (for the better) for both teachers and students next year. I'm excited to be a part of it all. :)
This summer should be interesting. This is the first summer that I can recall where I've been on a diet. I always go off of my diet during the summer simply because it's so hard. When I have nothing to do, I eat. I then gain back everything I lost throughout the year and then some. So....I'm trying to make a lifestyle change. I wish I could say, "When I have nothing to do, I exercise." or "When I have nothing to do, I read." Anything but eat! That is my goal this summer: to do anything but eat when I'm bored. Anything!
Regarding plans for summer, all three of us (Ricky, Russell, and I) all are going to church camp in just a few days! I'm so happy that Ricky gets to go with us. Bogg Springs is one of the most special places on Earth to me, and I love to share the experience with my man. ;) He rarely gets to go, so this is certainly a blessing.
Russell and I at the Rodeo Parade on Memorial Day |
How am I spending my first day of summer vacation? I woke up at 5:30 after having a crazy nightmare. It involved all of my immediately family being strapped into a torture chamber (I won't go into the details) and my poor Russell almost dying. After waking from that, I couldn't sleep. I looked at my phone to check the time and realized I had some e-mails from myself. I then realized I had been hacked. After looking into the matter and getting an e-mail from Ricky saying, "What are you trying to sell me?!" I realized it went to everyone in my address book. Later on in the day, I would find out that it was a Viagra ad...really? Wow. It went to Ricky's grandma AND the assistant principal at my school, to name a few!
Russell and I started cleaning out the bookshelf in our living room this morning, as well. You would not believe the stuff I found in that thing! Along with a million other papers and books, we had 15 bibles! These aren't the bibles that we actually use...these are 15 bibles that we have EXTRA. Anyone know someone that wants a bible? If so, let me know! A few of those I would like to keep due to sentimental value, but for the most part, they are extras that have been given to us over the years. Also, two of them already have other owners...I'm not sure how we ended up with them!
Today is the last day in this week's "phase" of my diet. I weigh in tomorrow! I'm hoping for a loss. I've done really good these past two weeks, but my body appears to be slowing down in the weight loss. I'm going to start back up with treadmill walking on Monday. That should speed things up again. :)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Change is Good
School is almost over! Only 19 days left. Very exciting stuff! I will be gone 4 of those, so I've technically only got 15 days left. It's always bittersweet to me when school is out--maybe because I'm still "newer" in the profession. I always feel like I should be working and it's hard to shut down from school stuff for the first week or so of summer.
Good news: Ricky started back as Support Manager last night. He now works 10 pm to 7 am. It will be great--I know it will! But...the past two days have been very difficult to adjust. On Saturdays, Russell and I will be alone until around 4 pm. We also have to be quiet because Daddy is sleeping. We go outside and play, watch movies, then go outside and play again, but after a few hours we're bored out of our minds! Saturday has always been our "Family Day." Looks like I'm going to have to find some cheap "Mommy and Me" activities...
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Daddy and Russell time :) |
In one of our many trips outside, we had a little photo shoot in honor of Mother's Day. I'm so blessed to be the mother of a perfect little boy. He informs me often that he's growing up--and then tells me that someday he will be the big person and that Ricky and I will be his babies and that he will take care of us and feed us and put us to bed. Aww!
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LOVE this pic! Totally describe the moment. We were BORED. |
I love his eyelashes! |
Bored, but tolerating it with a smile. ;) |
Russell got me a gift certificate from Learning Oasis. My boys know me so well! I'm excited about going by there one day (sans child, or I'll be spending it on him!).
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