Monday, June 4, 2012

Big 7-0!

This entry is a bit if you don't want to read about me talking/bragging about myself, leave now!  I will NOT be offended.  It's simply for my own recording/keepsake purposes.  :)  You have been warned....  ;P

Big news:  I hit -70 pounds yesterday!  I am now just 8 pounds from my goal weight, which is 5 pounds below the weight I was at when I found out I was pregnant with Russell.

Today was my measuring day and I lost 4 inches this month which brings me to a total loss of 62 inches!  Like I always say, the inches part really shows me what I've done.  Honestly, I still feel like I LOOK like I did 70 pounds ago.  Maybe because I'm still wearing a lot of the same clothes I wore then?  Yes, they are baggy, but they still fit...and I'm cheap.  I will not buy a new wardrobe until I reach my goal!  But the actual goal, if you remember, is that I will be buying a maternity wardrobe soon.  Yes, it's almost time!  :)))  In my eyes, of course.  Who knows what God has in store?

The pictures below are from my trip to Seattle with our school focus team.  It's a beautiful city!

At the top of the Space Needle in Seattle, WA
Space Needle
Mt. Rainier in Washington---BEAUTIFUL!!!
Russell graduated from preschool a few weeks ago for the second time.  The sad part?  The poor kid still has another year in preschool before he's old enough for kindergarten!  He enjoys preschool though, and he has a great teacher.  So I guess we will keep him right where he is.  He's definitely learning still learning something new every day--both academically and spiritually!  Last night, there was a big storm.  I told him when he woke up this morning that he slept right through it and that I was proud of him.  His response?  "Well, I said my prayers last night and asked God to help me not be scared so I could sleep.  And he made me not scared!!"  He was so amazed.  I love hearing him say things like that.  :)

Summer vacation.  I'm diggin' it!  I've got lots of work to do though.  We are transitioning to Office 2010 next year so I've got some tweaking and updating to do on all lessons and activities.  It's a big task, but necessary.  Other than that and a few workshops, I've really got nothing going on.  We went on the cruise during Spring Break, so this summer we don't plan on doing anything big.  OH--BIG NEWS!  Ricky is going to DAY SHIFT!!!!  He found out about 2 weeks ago and will not be moving to days for at least another week--exact date has not been set yet.  I was very hesitant to believe him when he told me.  Not him necessarily, but Walmart.  Walmart always gets my hopes up then crushes my dreams.  :/  BUT.  Ricky says it's guaranteed.  He's already had the interview for it and was told he had the job BEFORE he did the interview.  I can't wait!!!!  It's been 3 1/2 years!!!  Our little family will be back together every night AND day very soon. 

And finally--Teacher of the Year.  I hate bragging on myself as a teacher, so I won't.  :D  I did get this amazing award and feel super blessed, but I know I've got a LONG way to go before I'm a true Teacher of the Year.  Either way, the words from my current and former students made me cry.  "Did you hear me yelling for you?"  and "You deserved it, good job Mrs. Moon."  These words from students I never thought I made a connection with no matter how hard I tried.  Then after an incident with my 7th period class that day, they all proclaimed, "And that's why you got teacher of the year!"  Made my day.  :)


  1. It's nice just to talk about the good things for a bit, don't you think? ;) Great job on everything, Heather!!

  2. Great job Heather, it's awesome to hear your life is going so well!
