Tuesday, February 8, 2011

And I'm Feeeelin' Good!

Well, it looks like MORE SNOW!  I'm not complaining or anything, but today sure was pretty!  The sky on the way home was beautiful!  I almost pulled out my phone to take a pic...but I remembered that I had gotten onto Mom this morning for texting while driving (or at least that's what I think she was doing--maybe not!), so I didn't think she'd be too proud of me.  ;)  I know it's not the same as texting, but you still have to look down.  Anyway, I am ready for more beautiful days like today.

So...big news!  I am officially back on my diet.  I gained WAY too much weight after going off of it last year.  To be completely honest with myself, I gained back all but two pounds of the weight I had gained from being pregnant.  :(  Therefore, I am back to it, and back strong.  I am even exercising!  I haven't done that since I was a teenager!  This is day 3.  I will weigh in every Sunday (and I MIGHT share the results...if they are good!).  I am walking 2 miles every other day, 1 mile on the "off" days.  I am so proud of myself and I feel SO GOOD!!!

A big inspiration for this diet was this.  It stated that because of my "morbid obesity," I am at an extremely high risk for heart and lung disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep disorders, gallbladder disease, colon cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer.  Talk about a wake-up call!  I want to be here for Russell and Ricky and any other future members of our family for a long time.  Why am I letting food be more important to me than them?!?!  No more.

Speaking of future family members, this is another reason for the diet.  No, I'm not pregnant!  But I AM planning for the future.  Ricky and I have talked, and we both agree that 2012 will be (Lord willing!) the year that Moon Baby #2 is created.  :)  Of course, this is also dependent on his job -- he HAS to have a day job because I can't do it alone!  I also refuse to be huge before I even get pregnant.  I want to be healthy and give the future Moon baby the best chance of being healthy as well.  Hence, this diet.  This LONG diet.  Hopefully, this permanent lifestyle.  I want to be an example to my kid(s).  Ricky has already done this and I am so proud of him!  80 or so pounds lost and he's kept it off.  He's been a huge inspiration to me as well.

Please pray for me, that I am determined enough to keep this going.  I know I can do it.  I just have to be stubborn enough to keep at it when it's hard.  And I've been told by quite a few people that I am plenty stubborn!  ;)

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