Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Always Gonna Be Another Mountain...

I have been sooo busy the past two weeks!  Pretty much every day I've had kids stay after school to study for their FBLA competitions or to work on missing assignments.  I've arrived early and stayed late every day.  Exhausted?  Yes.  Proud of my kids?  Absolutely!  :)

Russell continues to amaze me.  Every day, it's something new.  His ability to explain procedures or circumstances surpasses the ability of some of my 13-year-olds!  He rocks.  ;)

Grandpa's funeral was good.  Getting to see all of the family was great!  It's been a long time since we've all gotten together.  I don't think we've EVER spent that much time together, the entire family.  I honestly wish it happened a little more often.  My family is amazing!!!  The only crappy part was that we all got sick.  Stomach virus or food poisoning.  Not sure.  Either way...blah!

Granny's side

Uncle Randy's side

The Whole Fam! (minus Ben, Noah, and Jenna--and Derek, who took the pic!)

I can see!
The diet is going quite well.  In 3 weeks, I've lost 8.8 lbs.  It's not as much as I've lost in the past in 3 weeks, but at least I haven't gained!  Plus, this time I'm following the plan closer than I ever have.  Hopefully, it will pay off in the long run!  This coming Sunday marks 1 month on the diet.  Measurement time!  I'm very excited.  Oh!!!  I have to brag on myself for a moment--I've been doing 20-minute miles on the treadmill since I started, but I've finally broken that record (Yes, that was a record for me.  Lol!).  I can now do a mile in 18:35.  I know that may sound ridiculous to some, but I'm making progress and I've never in my life done a mile that fast.  I'm proud of myself.  :)

Regarding Ricky's job, everything is still on hold.  I'm not even sure if I've written about it, but he didn't get the day job that he tried for, but there is another opening coming up soon for 10pm to 7am.  Not the best hours, but way better than what he has now.  We'd get to see each other every day.  :)  He could play with Russell and put him to bed.  He could cook supper (if he wanted to, lol).  Please pray for him and our family.  Anything is better than the hours he has right now. 

Just want to end this entry with the following sentence:  I miss my church family!!!

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