Saturday, August 27, 2011

I Love a Routine!

School is back in session and I am back to having a routine.  This makes me one happy lady!  I guess I'm just one of those people that has to have their routine.  Summer is difficult for me--especially on my diet because there is no consistency.  The good news is that I actually lost about 2 pounds over the summer vacation.  Since I've started teaching, I've ALWAYS gained dramatically during the summer.  This year, I lost...showing me that I can do it and that it's my own fault if I choose not to!  :)

School started off rocky with no computers up until the 2nd or 3rd day of school in my "computer-based" classroom.  Even once we got them, they didn't work properly.  I was a nervous wreck!  But, as usual, it all turned out fine in the end.  My kids are now typing away and everything is going smoothly.  :)  KJH experienced quite a growth this year compared to last year and it shows.  My classroom has 24 computers.  I've never (that I can remember) had more than 1 "full" class in a semester, meaning there are almost always extra seats/computers in the event that a computer is down.  This year, I'm actually overflowing in some classes, and if they aren't overflowed, they are right at full!  There are just!  But I do have to admit that I like having a full class.  It seems like things actually run more smoothly when the room is full.  Never thought I would say that!  ;)

He LOVED going on the bridges!

Since it's been SO long since I've written, I need to share a picture or two of the highlight of Russell's summer.  I heard about the Van Buren train ride from a friend and decided to take Russell one day while Ricky was sleeping.  Russell absolutely LOVED it!  Him and I are total opposites when it comes to the fear of heights....

Fun times!  We also went to the Tulsa Zoo...

Love this!

Well, believe it or not, Ricky and I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary next month.  Everyone says the 7th year is the "hardest", but I'm not so sure.  I'm feeling closer to him than I ever have.  Maybe "The 7 Year Itch" happens after your 7th year together as a couple?  If so, that would have been four years ago for us...which would make more sense!  That was a hard time.  Right now though, I just see things getting better and better.  I love that boy.  :)  I wish I had some pictures of us to post, but the fact is I don't have any new ones.  I guess I could get Russ to take some pictures of us...he would thoroughly enjoy that! 

First day of 4 year old preschool - 2011
August 2011
August 2010 - a year ago!

Russell started in the 4-year-old preschool last week at GLC and I'm amazed at how much progress he's already made!  He's going to have to be in there for 2 years because he's only 3 right now (will start Kindergarten late--November baby)...but they are promising that he will be reading and writing very well before he leaves there.  I believe it!  In just a week, he has made dramatic changes in his writing, coloring, attitude, and desire to read/spell.  I am super impressed with his attempt at coloring in the lines!  And he's having so much fun--"Adam" is in his class and gets to sit across from him.  Their thing is Roley-Polys.  They go outside and during "recess" after swinging, they hunt for Roley-Polys!  Boys. 

Coloring NOW - Aug 2011
Coloring - Dec 2010

On my diet, I'm down almost 35 pounds!

Well, I better get back to babysitting...Russell just brought me a bug to look at.  ICK!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Proud to be an American

I guess I'm doing better at this blogging thing than I have in the past, but I still feel like I'm not writing as much as I could.  It's the Fourth of July weekend!  I'm thinking that Russell and I will go to the Fort Smith fireworks show on the river Monday night.  I really want to take him to see some fireworks, but I don't want to go by myself!  Ricky will be at work.  Maybe we will see someone that we know there.
In honor of the 4th of July AND trying to keep up this "healthy" lifestyle, I went out and bought some Ruffles LIGHT potato chips (2 pts per serving) and some turkey dogs (1 pt each!!).  I couldn't find 1 pt buns, so I have just been using my 1 pt per slice bread.  I'd never had a turkey dog before...they are GREAT and I don't think I'll ever change back!  I guess I was scared that they wouldn't taste like an actual hot dog, but they do.  :)  I can eat 2 turkey dogs, 2 slices of bread, and 2 servings of chips (about 30 chips) for 8 points.  Wow!!!  On the Weight Watchers front, I've gone 4 weeks and only lost 0.2 lbs.  I haven't gained, which is good, but I haven't lost like I've wanted to.  I'm attributing this to the fact that I've sat on my butt for 3 of the past 4 weeks doing nothing!  This week, I started walking again on the treadmill.  We will see how that changes the results.  I'm only 6/10ths of a pound from losing 30 lbs.  I never thought it would take a month to lose that!

Ricky's grandparents came down a few days ago to bring us some new (to us) furniture.  They brought a couch, recliner, twin bed, and dining table/chairs.  I absolutely LOVE the table.  It's beautiful!  I've got pictures of it all on FB, but they aren't saved to my computer.  Russell loves his "really big boy bed".  He will be able to sleep in that thing for years.  And of course Ricky loves his new recliner.  I actually took a nap on the couch yesterday...something that I could have never done on our old loveseat!

Ricky's OTHER grandparents are down from Georgia this week.  They came over last night and took us out to El Chico for dinner.  It was really good to catch up with them!  They are coming over tonight as well, once Ricky wakes up.  Oh....our neighbor ran over our mailbox yesterday.  I thought for sure that when they drove off without coming to tell us or apologize that they were going to buy a new post for it.  Nope!  It's been almost 24 hours and they haven't said a word.  It's kind of frustrating.  If you know Ricky and I, you know we would simply say, "Accidents happen.  No problem." and really mean it!  But the fact that I watched them knock it over and they haven't apologized or anything disappoints me.  We aren't that scary!  LOL.  Ok, enough of the rant.

The pictures in this entry are from our week at Bogg Springs.  You have no idea how thankful I am that my husband got to go with us!  I feel like not only did we all 3 grow closer to God that week individually, but it definitely brought Ricky and I closer together as a couple.  It's so true that it is most important to keep God first in your relationship.  I fell more in love with him watching him praise God.  ♥

Plans for today?  Russell and I are going to see where the road takes us.  I'm guessing somewhere air-conditioned!  :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Weight Loss & Measurements Update

I weighed this morning.  I lost 1.8 pounds this week!  I did really well this week, so I'm happy with that.  :)

Total weight lost is now 29.2 lbs.

I also measured and lost 5.75 inches this month!!!  I could not be more happy with those results, as last month I only lost 0.25 inches in an entire month.  This makes 27.75 total inches lost.  :)))

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sun is shining, weather is sweet....

Me with Lego Woody at Lego-Land in the Mall of America (Minneapolis)

School is out for the summer!!!  Woooooo!!!!!!!  I guess it's a good thing that I'm really looking forward to next year must mean I truly enjoy my job :).  Lots of changes are coming (for the better) for both teachers and students next year.  I'm excited to be a part of it all.  :)  

This summer should be interesting.  This is the first summer that I can recall where I've been on a diet.  I always go off of my diet during the summer simply because it's so hard.  When I have nothing to do, I eat.  I then gain back everything I lost throughout the year and then some.  So....I'm trying to make a lifestyle change.  I wish I could say, "When I have nothing to do, I exercise." or "When I have nothing to do, I read."  Anything but eat!  That is my goal this summer:  to do anything but eat when I'm bored.  Anything!

Regarding plans for summer, all three of us (Ricky, Russell, and I) all are going to church camp in just a few days!  I'm so happy that Ricky gets to go with us.  Bogg Springs is one of the most special places on Earth to me, and I love to share the experience with my man.  ;)  He rarely gets to go, so this is certainly a blessing.

Russell and I at the Rodeo Parade on Memorial Day
We've also got plans to go to Nashville, TN.  Other than that, all I've got is a few workshops.  NEXT year, we should have lots of big this year, I'm going to enjoy the peacefulness.  Oh, wait!  Russell has one request for summer vacation--go to the zoo!  We will be visiting the Tulsa Zoo very soon!  We went last year and it was SO.  HOT.  This year, we're going to be smart and watch the weather before we go.  We need a cool, shady day for that.

How am I spending my first day of summer vacation?  I woke up at 5:30 after having a crazy nightmare.  It involved all of my immediately family being strapped into a torture chamber (I won't go into the details) and my poor Russell almost dying.  After waking from that, I couldn't sleep.  I looked at my phone to check the time and realized I had some e-mails from myself.  I then realized I had been hacked.  After looking into the matter and getting an e-mail from Ricky saying, "What are you trying to sell me?!" I realized it went to everyone in my address book.  Later on in the day, I would find out that it was a Viagra ad...really?  Wow.  It went to Ricky's grandma AND the assistant principal at my school, to name a few! 

Russell and I started cleaning out the bookshelf in our living room this morning, as well.  You would not believe the stuff I found in that thing!  Along with a million other papers and books, we had 15 bibles!  These aren't the bibles that we actually use...these are 15 bibles that we have EXTRA.  Anyone know someone that wants a bible?  If so, let me know!  A few of those I would like to keep due to sentimental value, but for the most part, they are extras that have been given to us over the years.  Also, two of them already have other owners...I'm not sure how we ended up with them! 

Today is the last day in this week's "phase" of my diet.  I weigh in tomorrow!  I'm hoping for a loss.  I've done really good these past two weeks, but my body appears to be slowing down in the weight loss.  I'm going to start back up with treadmill walking on Monday.  That should speed things up again.  :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Change is Good

 School is almost over!  Only 19 days left.  Very exciting stuff!  I will be gone 4 of those, so I've technically only got 15 days left.  It's always bittersweet to me when school is out--maybe because I'm still "newer" in the profession.  I always feel like I should be working and it's hard to shut down from school stuff for the first week or so of summer.

Good news:  Ricky started back as Support Manager last night.  He now works 10 pm to 7 am.  It will be great--I know it will!  But...the past two days have been very difficult to adjust.  On Saturdays, Russell and I will be alone until around 4 pm.  We also have to be quiet because Daddy is sleeping.  We go outside and play, watch movies, then go outside and play again, but after a few hours we're bored out of our minds!  Saturday has always been our "Family Day."  Looks like I'm going to have to find some cheap "Mommy and Me" activities...

Daddy and Russell time  :)
I know there will probably have to be some major adjustments since Ricky and I have seen each other only 2 days a week for the past year and a half.  I'm prepared for that mentally.  However, it's still difficult.  I completely and totally 100% LOVE that he's home.  I'm just so used to being the sole parent at nights for Russell.  It was awkward last night to have help!  If that's all I've got to complain about - that I had too much help - I've got it made, right?  ;)

  In one of our many trips outside, we had a little photo shoot in honor of Mother's Day.  I'm so blessed to be the mother of a perfect little boy.  He informs me often that he's growing up--and then tells me that someday he will be the big person and that Ricky and I will be his babies and that he will take care of us and feed us and put us to bed.  Aww!


LOVE this pic!  Totally describe the moment.  We were BORED. 
 I love his eyelashes!

Bored, but tolerating it with a smile.  ;)

Russell got me a gift certificate from Learning Oasis.  My boys know me so well!  I'm excited about going by there one day (sans child, or I'll be spending it on him!).

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


It's Benchmark Week!!!  What could easily be a nightmare is actually pretty well-organized by our wonderful counselors, administrators, and focus team!  I'm so thankful to work in a school where everyone works together for the good of the students.  :)  On the other hand, I am TIRED of walking in the same maze of chairs over and over non-stop for hours at at time.  Guess that's just part of it!

Ricky starts his new schedule on Saturday.  :))))

I finally took a few new photos....

Russell at the park the other day.  He feels like such a big boy now that I let him climb the "big" slide all by himself!  He wanted to do it "all day long"!

One smart cookie...

Mommy's crazy face and Russell going "What is wrong with you?!?!"

In 22 school days, I will be heading to Minneapolis on school business.  I am TERRIFIED of riding in a plane!  I haven't flown since 2003--once to D.C./back and once from Georgia to Arkansas.  We're flying Delta, and I just saw on the news a story about two Delta planes colliding on the runway when they landed.  Ahh!  Scary stuff.  I know I'll be fine once I actually get on the plane and get buckled in, but up to that point, I know I'm going to have the jitters.  :/  I have a heights issue.

Speaking of jitters, I haven't been able to get images of spiders out of my head lately!  I've had two traumatic experiences with spiders recently.  Ricky really seems to be enjoying it, too, finding opportunities constantly to scare me.  I was washing dishes the other day and turned around to get something.  When I turned back around, there was a huge spider right there on a plate in the sink!  My first reaction was to drown it.  So I turned on the hot water and was shaking the whole time I sprayed it to death...ugh, I sound like an evil person!  haha

This is what the spider in the sink looked like:  

Before that, I stepped on one in the dark on our front porch.  It was HUGE.  When I stepped on it, hundreds of little baby spiders started fleeing for their lives from under my feet.  Seriously.  The most scary spider moment in my life.  I was (and still am) so confused at how when I stepped on that spider, which I recently found out was a "wolf spider" carrying her babies on her back, all the babies survived.  Even the mommy spider survived.  She scurried away as if she was only a little startled.

Here's what it looked like:


Sunday, April 3, 2011

No Interruptions...

We went to church this morning in Langley and Russell went home with Nana afterwards.  Is is sad that I'm already missing him?  I'm not picking him up until Wednesday....what will I do with myself?  I'm sure I'll figure out something.  ;)

I've been in a photo rut lately--hence, no new photos recently.  Just too much going on and it seems like every time there is a great photo op, I don't have my camera.  BUT, I AM planning on getting Russell outside one day very soon while this weather is ahhmazing to do a little shoot.  I love outside photos!

On the diet front, in 8 weeks, I've lost 16 lbs and 22 inches.  22 inches is amazing!  I'm very psyched about that part.  :)  I am starting to be able to tell a difference in my clothes, which is a big inspiration to keep going!  I've still got a $75 gift card to Cato's from Christmas last year.  I'm saving it for when I drop a size or two.... 

On the school front, after this week, we will be in the 30's!!!  30-something days left, that is.  I'm excited about this summer and all of the time I will have with my family. 

Regarding Ricky's new job, he starts on the 16th and will be off Wednesdays and Thursdays.  I'm happy that he will be home every day, but if I'm truly honest, I'm sad that he doesn't have Sundays off.  We're one step closer to where we're headed, though, so I guess I will live with it!  Russell gets to see his daddy daily - which was my only wish, so I'm happy.  :)

Well, I guess I'm going to go watch big-people TV with no interruptions.  ;P

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Results Are In...

Us Gals at DeAnna's Wedding.  Fun Times!

So, here's what's gone down the past two weeks:

Week 4 Weight Loss:  +.2 lbs (not sure what happened there!)
Week 5 Weight Loss:  -4.1 lbs
Total Weight Loss:  -12.7 lbs

Inches Lost (my favorite part!!!)
Arms:  .25 inches
Chest:  2.5 inches
Hips:  2 inches
Thighs (combined):  2.5 inches (!!!)
Waist:  2.25 inches

I also measured a few other body parts (calves, neck, shoulders, etc.), but I just wanna share the basics on here.  Arms are obviously the body part I need to work harder on.  However, I can't believe I lost that many inches in a month overall.  I am very pumped!  My legs hate me when I'm on that treadmill, but it pays off.  :)

Big news!  I broke my mile record of 18:35.  Yes, that's right.  I can now do a mile in 16:35!  I'm not a bragger, but I'm very proud of myself and it just inspires me to keep going.  I can see results AND progress.  :)

Spring Break is coming up in FIVE DAYS and I could not be more excited!  Russell told us today that he wants to go to the ocean in Florida.  Oh how I wish we could just pack up and go down there for a few days!  Instead, I'm pretty sure I'll be spending my Spring Break doing laundry and cleaning up this nasty house.  No complaints least I'll get to spend time with my family afterward.  :)

In other news, Ricky, Russell and I went to the State Basketball Tournament in Hot Springs yesterday to watch Northside play.  The game was SOOOO good!  We were ahead by two in DOUBLE overtime with 5 seconds left on the clock.  Fayetteville had the ball and got it to a girl who hit a 3-pointer with 1 second left.  WOW!  What a game!  There was no true "loser".  Both teams played amazingly.  :)

Last Saturday, I went to a best friend's wedding.  She was a beautiful bride and I am so happy for her and her man! 

I also got to visit with my other two BFFs, which was very much needed! 
Liz and I

LD and I

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Always Gonna Be Another Mountain...

I have been sooo busy the past two weeks!  Pretty much every day I've had kids stay after school to study for their FBLA competitions or to work on missing assignments.  I've arrived early and stayed late every day.  Exhausted?  Yes.  Proud of my kids?  Absolutely!  :)

Russell continues to amaze me.  Every day, it's something new.  His ability to explain procedures or circumstances surpasses the ability of some of my 13-year-olds!  He rocks.  ;)

Grandpa's funeral was good.  Getting to see all of the family was great!  It's been a long time since we've all gotten together.  I don't think we've EVER spent that much time together, the entire family.  I honestly wish it happened a little more often.  My family is amazing!!!  The only crappy part was that we all got sick.  Stomach virus or food poisoning.  Not sure.  Either way...blah!

Granny's side

Uncle Randy's side

The Whole Fam! (minus Ben, Noah, and Jenna--and Derek, who took the pic!)

I can see!
The diet is going quite well.  In 3 weeks, I've lost 8.8 lbs.  It's not as much as I've lost in the past in 3 weeks, but at least I haven't gained!  Plus, this time I'm following the plan closer than I ever have.  Hopefully, it will pay off in the long run!  This coming Sunday marks 1 month on the diet.  Measurement time!  I'm very excited.  Oh!!!  I have to brag on myself for a moment--I've been doing 20-minute miles on the treadmill since I started, but I've finally broken that record (Yes, that was a record for me.  Lol!).  I can now do a mile in 18:35.  I know that may sound ridiculous to some, but I'm making progress and I've never in my life done a mile that fast.  I'm proud of myself.  :)

Regarding Ricky's job, everything is still on hold.  I'm not even sure if I've written about it, but he didn't get the day job that he tried for, but there is another opening coming up soon for 10pm to 7am.  Not the best hours, but way better than what he has now.  We'd get to see each other every day.  :)  He could play with Russell and put him to bed.  He could cook supper (if he wanted to, lol).  Please pray for him and our family.  Anything is better than the hours he has right now. 

Just want to end this entry with the following sentence:  I miss my church family!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

There's a Song in the Breeze....

Grandpa Oscar and Russell
Last night I got the call that my great grandpa, Oscar Davis, passed away.  He was 87 years old.  I don't know how those that lose family members that don't know Christ as their Savior function in a time like this.  The reassurance that he's in a true Paradise is what gets my family through.  He's with his Savior!  I cry, but they are happy tears.  Can you imagine the reward he is getting for the way he lived his life?!?  It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it!  My favorite memory of him is leading songs on Sundays at church - he didn't sing just to sing - he praised the Lord with every word.  What a blessing to grow up seeing!

I listened to two songs this morning by Mandisa - "Not Guilty" and "You Wouldn't Cry".  Two of my favorite songs, and so reassuring in this time:

Not Guilty
I stand accused.
There’s a list a mile long
Of all my sins,
Of everything that I’ve done wrong.
I’m so ashamed.
There’s nowhere left for me to hide.
This is the day
I must answer for my life.

My fate is in the Judge’s hands,
But then He turns to me and says:

I know you, I love you.
I gave My life to save you.
Love paid the price for mercy.
My verdict, not guilty.

How can it be?
I can’t begin to comprehend
What kind of grace
Would take the place of all my sin?

I stand in awe
Now that I have been set free.
And the tears well up as I look at that cross
‘Cause it should have been me.

My fate was in the nail scarred hands.
He stretched them out for me and said:

I know you, I love you.
I gave my life to save you.
Love paid the price for mercy.
My verdict, not guilty.

I’m falling on my knees to thank You.
With everything I am I’ll praise You.
So grateful for the words I heard You say:

I know you, I love you.
I gave my life to save you.
Love paid the price for mercy.
My verdict, not guilty.

(John 3:16, Romans 3:21-26, Revelation 21:27)

You Wouldn't Cry
All you saw was pain.
All you saw was rain.
But you should see me now.
Moments filled with tears
Lasted all those years,
Disappeared somehow.
You never said goodbye.
On your knees you cry.
You’re still asking why, but

Blue has never been bluer.
True has never been truer.
Honey never tasted so sweet,
There’s a song in the breeze,
A million voices in praise!
A rose has never smelled redder,
The sun has never been brighter.
If I could find the right words to say,
If you could look at my face,
If you could just see this place,
You wouldn’t cry for me today.

What you think you see
Isn’t really me.
I’m already home.
You’ve got to lay it down
‘Cause Jesus holds me now.
And I am not alone!
Your faith is wearing thin,
But I am watching Him
And He’s holding you too, and

Blue has never been bluer.
True has never been truer.
Honey never tasted so sweet,
There’s a song in the breeze,
A million voices in praise!
A rose has never smelled redder,
The sun has never been brighter.
If I could find the right words to say,
If you could look at my face,
If you could just see this place,
You wouldn’t cry for me today.

Rest in peace, Grandpa.  I love you!  :)

Well, on a completely different note, I'm still walking and I'm very proud of myself for sticking it out!  This is the first time in my LIFE that I've walked every day, alternating 2 miles/1 mile each day for more than a few days.  I've even RAN a few times!  :O  I'm following Weight Watchers Online and actually following the program just how it says rather than tweaking it to lose weight quicker.  Needless to say, the first week, I only lost 3 pounds.  I weigh in again on Sunday, so we will see!  I definitely feel like I've lost at least 3 more pounds this week, but if not, I know I'm losing inches.  I can just feel it!  I am tracking measurements, but only once a month.  I will post those as well (not that anyone cares, but I feel more accountable if I share with the world!).  ;)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

And I'm Feeeelin' Good!

Well, it looks like MORE SNOW!  I'm not complaining or anything, but today sure was pretty!  The sky on the way home was beautiful!  I almost pulled out my phone to take a pic...but I remembered that I had gotten onto Mom this morning for texting while driving (or at least that's what I think she was doing--maybe not!), so I didn't think she'd be too proud of me.  ;)  I know it's not the same as texting, but you still have to look down.  Anyway, I am ready for more beautiful days like today.

So...big news!  I am officially back on my diet.  I gained WAY too much weight after going off of it last year.  To be completely honest with myself, I gained back all but two pounds of the weight I had gained from being pregnant.  :(  Therefore, I am back to it, and back strong.  I am even exercising!  I haven't done that since I was a teenager!  This is day 3.  I will weigh in every Sunday (and I MIGHT share the results...if they are good!).  I am walking 2 miles every other day, 1 mile on the "off" days.  I am so proud of myself and I feel SO GOOD!!!

A big inspiration for this diet was this.  It stated that because of my "morbid obesity," I am at an extremely high risk for heart and lung disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep disorders, gallbladder disease, colon cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer.  Talk about a wake-up call!  I want to be here for Russell and Ricky and any other future members of our family for a long time.  Why am I letting food be more important to me than them?!?!  No more.

Speaking of future family members, this is another reason for the diet.  No, I'm not pregnant!  But I AM planning for the future.  Ricky and I have talked, and we both agree that 2012 will be (Lord willing!) the year that Moon Baby #2 is created.  :)  Of course, this is also dependent on his job -- he HAS to have a day job because I can't do it alone!  I also refuse to be huge before I even get pregnant.  I want to be healthy and give the future Moon baby the best chance of being healthy as well.  Hence, this diet.  This LONG diet.  Hopefully, this permanent lifestyle.  I want to be an example to my kid(s).  Ricky has already done this and I am so proud of him!  80 or so pounds lost and he's kept it off.  He's been a huge inspiration to me as well.

Please pray for me, that I am determined enough to keep this going.  I know I can do it.  I just have to be stubborn enough to keep at it when it's hard.  And I've been told by quite a few people that I am plenty stubborn!  ;)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Too Much Free Time!

So FSPS has been out of school for the past two days.  It has been so nice to just kick back and relax in my PJs all day with my hair wild and no makeup on!  Ricky was off yesterday and didn't go in to work today until 4 pm, so since everything was closed or the roads were too icy to travel to, we got to spend true quality family time together.  :)

The weather is stinkin' cold!  Right now it's 17 degrees outside, not including the wind factor.  Yesterday, when it was sleeting outside, Russell saw that the ground was white and thought it was snow.  He said he was going to go outside and touch it.  I agreed, and didn't make him put on his warm stuff (coat, gloves, hat, etc.) because he was just going to run out there and come back in.  I stood at the window and watched him run out there.  Did he run out there and just bend down and touch it?  No!  He ran out in the middle of the yard, did a face dive into the hard sleet, then rolled over and started trying to make a snow angel!  He is one goofy little boy.  When he realized it wasn't working because the ground was too hard (about 3/4 inch of sleet at the time), he got up and ran in.  That boy was FREEZING!!!! 

Random photos from today:
I love this eyebrow thing and to be honest, I'm a little jealous!  I cannot raise one brow without raising the other!  Russell and his daddy share this trait.  :)
I tried and tried to get picture of him and Jessi, but according to him, I don't need a picture of him.  Just Jessi!

Super Special Jessi

Fun times, fun times!  I love my family. 

In other news, today I dug out several old photos from albums back in the day.  Here are a few...

Not sure exactly what year this was, but aren't we cute?  It had to be my 11th or 12th grade year.  It's so true that you don't realize how pretty you were until years have passed by. 

Me and my sweet little bubba. 

Grandma Beverly (my dad's mom) and who I'm guessing is my brother, Ben.  Not sure though!

Granny, Mom, and Uncle Marty

Darla, Mona, Randy, and Dad.  4 siblings!  My dad is the bottom right. 

I love my Daddy!

I just find it a little ironic that I loved FBLA so much in school, and that I am now the sponsor at Kimmons!

Cheesiest.  Photo.  Ever. 

This is probably half of the girls from my graduating class, which is why it is so hard for me to imagine the number of students per grade in the FSPS system!