Saturday, August 27, 2011

I Love a Routine!

School is back in session and I am back to having a routine.  This makes me one happy lady!  I guess I'm just one of those people that has to have their routine.  Summer is difficult for me--especially on my diet because there is no consistency.  The good news is that I actually lost about 2 pounds over the summer vacation.  Since I've started teaching, I've ALWAYS gained dramatically during the summer.  This year, I lost...showing me that I can do it and that it's my own fault if I choose not to!  :)

School started off rocky with no computers up until the 2nd or 3rd day of school in my "computer-based" classroom.  Even once we got them, they didn't work properly.  I was a nervous wreck!  But, as usual, it all turned out fine in the end.  My kids are now typing away and everything is going smoothly.  :)  KJH experienced quite a growth this year compared to last year and it shows.  My classroom has 24 computers.  I've never (that I can remember) had more than 1 "full" class in a semester, meaning there are almost always extra seats/computers in the event that a computer is down.  This year, I'm actually overflowing in some classes, and if they aren't overflowed, they are right at full!  There are just!  But I do have to admit that I like having a full class.  It seems like things actually run more smoothly when the room is full.  Never thought I would say that!  ;)

He LOVED going on the bridges!

Since it's been SO long since I've written, I need to share a picture or two of the highlight of Russell's summer.  I heard about the Van Buren train ride from a friend and decided to take Russell one day while Ricky was sleeping.  Russell absolutely LOVED it!  Him and I are total opposites when it comes to the fear of heights....

Fun times!  We also went to the Tulsa Zoo...

Love this!

Well, believe it or not, Ricky and I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary next month.  Everyone says the 7th year is the "hardest", but I'm not so sure.  I'm feeling closer to him than I ever have.  Maybe "The 7 Year Itch" happens after your 7th year together as a couple?  If so, that would have been four years ago for us...which would make more sense!  That was a hard time.  Right now though, I just see things getting better and better.  I love that boy.  :)  I wish I had some pictures of us to post, but the fact is I don't have any new ones.  I guess I could get Russ to take some pictures of us...he would thoroughly enjoy that! 

First day of 4 year old preschool - 2011
August 2011
August 2010 - a year ago!

Russell started in the 4-year-old preschool last week at GLC and I'm amazed at how much progress he's already made!  He's going to have to be in there for 2 years because he's only 3 right now (will start Kindergarten late--November baby)...but they are promising that he will be reading and writing very well before he leaves there.  I believe it!  In just a week, he has made dramatic changes in his writing, coloring, attitude, and desire to read/spell.  I am super impressed with his attempt at coloring in the lines!  And he's having so much fun--"Adam" is in his class and gets to sit across from him.  Their thing is Roley-Polys.  They go outside and during "recess" after swinging, they hunt for Roley-Polys!  Boys. 

Coloring NOW - Aug 2011
Coloring - Dec 2010

On my diet, I'm down almost 35 pounds!

Well, I better get back to babysitting...Russell just brought me a bug to look at.  ICK!!!

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